Five ways data storage can advance your sustainability ambitions
With IT a significant contributor to energy consumption, there are considerable sustainability gains to be made by taking the right approach. [ + ]
Exploring the impact of bright lighting on wildlife
Aotearoa New Zealand scientists have looked into the effects on flora and fauna of an increasingly lit-up nocturnal world. [ + ]
The global need for better cooling
Without drastic action, the cooling sector presents an alarming threat to our rapidly warming planet. [ + ]
Optimising Australian networks and speeding electrification
Technology has a crucial role to play in stabilising energy supply as renewables are brought online, writes Neara Co-Founder Jack Curtis. [ + ]
Thought Leaders 2024: Glenn Parsons
Warren and Brown's Chief Technology Officer discusses the challenges and opportunities presented by a constantly evolving telecommunications industry. [ + ]
Expanding Australia's grid: is underground power the answer?
Scientists from Curtin University and UQ have undertaken a detailed comparison of overhead and underground transmission lines. [ + ]
HVAC under strain as El Niño bites
Revolving doors might have a role to play in increasing a building's efficiency, according to software developed by Boon Edam and Delft University of Technology. [ + ]
Robust power grid needed for once-in-a-decade demand
With AEMO warning of a once-in-a-decade surge in electricity demand this summer, careful planning is crucial in avoiding blackouts. [ + ]
Are virtual site visits the key to a net zero construction sector?
93% of construction, engineering and property leaders believe tools such as aerial imagery and geospatial analytics can help achieve sustainability goals. [ + ]
How decarbonisation is affecting coal power workers
New independent research has found the cost of redundancy is higher for former coal-fired power station workers than those in other industries. [ + ]
Exposing the vulnerabilities of smart homes
Can we trust that smart home devices are safely handling and protecting the sensitive data they have access to? [ + ]
Transforming home security through AI
AI security can learn what's normal for a home, developing a tailored approach that can drastically reduce false alarms. [ + ]
How AI is optimising HVAC
Osaka University researchers have used AI to create a self-regulating control system for indoor heating and cooling. [ + ]
Smart solar made simpler
Solar panels that double as windows, cladding and roof tiles could be a much more common sight in the future, thanks to new tech from RMIT University. [ + ]
Pinpointing a powerline fault — in minutes
Currently, repair crews can spend hours patrolling tens of kilometres of powerlines, some inaccessible by road, to find a fault. [ + ]