1800 registrations for Clean Technology Investment Program information sessions
AusIndustry’s information sessions for the $1 billion Clean Technology Investment Programs have proved to be highly popular, with over 1800 manufacturers registering to attend the sessions. The first session in Sydney on 5 March attracted over 390 businesses.
Greg Combet, the Minister for Industry and Innovation, was pleased with the level of interest in the programs.
“The Clean Technology Investment Programs will help individual manufacturers to strengthen the future of the industry and reduce their carbon emissions,” Combet said in a media release.
“The programs will support manufacturers to become more energy efficient, more competitive and more sustainable.”
The $800 million Clean Technology Investment Program and the $200 million Clean Technology Food and Foundries Investment Program offer assistance to businesses to invest in energy-efficient capital equipment and low-emissions technologies, processes and products.
For more information or to register for information sessions, visit the AusIndustry website or call the AusIndustry Hotline on 13 28 46.
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