Industry input sought for VET skills reform
The federal government, in collaboration with states and territories, has announced the launch of, a new engagement hub intended to provide information and consultation opportunities for three areas of reform. It is a central location designed to keep industry members informed, engaged and able to provide feedback throughout the consultation process.
The VET sector supports and develops diverse skills across a broad range of industries. Importantly, a strong VET sector will ensure Australia has a highly skilled workforce ready for the job market, now and into the future. Recognising the importance of a high-quality VET system that works for everyone, Australian governments (both at the national and state and territory level) have agreed to immediately progress reforms in the following key areas:
- strengthening the role of industry and employers;
- improving VET qualifications; and
- raising the quality of training.
How to have your say
Consultations will occur through the engagement hub via discussion papers, surveys and online workshops. Feedback provided will be considered by Skills Ministers and inform decisions on future arrangements. Energy Skills Queensland is inviting industry members to share their needs and expectations of the national training system and how they would like a future VET system to work.
Discussion papers and surveys
A number of papers and surveys are available; click on the links below for more information.
Industry Engagement and Qualifications Discussion Paper
Improving industry engagement and reforming qualifications in vocational education and training.
RTO Quality Issues Paper
Strengthening RTO standards and fostering excellence.
Supporting the VET workforce Issues Paper
Developing a VET Workforce Quality Strategy.
RTO Training Experience survey
Seeking feedback on the experience of those who have undertaken training (or their parents/carers) in the VET system in the last five years.
RTO Standards survey
This survey is targeted towards active users of the Standards (eg RTOs, trainers and assessors, VET experts), although anyone who is interested may respond.
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