R U OK? encourages tradies to support each other
With R U OK?Day coming up on Thursday, 14 September, the suicide prevention charity has dedicated special resources to encourage meaningful conversations across tradies’ communities.
The R U OK? Tradies Tools to Talk resources are designed to help family, friends and workmates spot the signs that their friend or relative may be struggling. They provide practical tools and tips to start an R U OK? conversation and help a loved one or workmate find support if needed.
All Tradies Tools to Talk resources are free and available at: ruok.org.au.
“Tradies face a range of challenges across their working lives — from job uncertainty to financial pressures, intense physical demands and workplace culture issues,” said R U OK? Community Ambassador Andre Sakr, 44, a construction project manager in Sydney who lives with anxiety and depression.
“In an industry where stigma is high, these pressures can build up and impact mental and emotional wellbeing for tradies if they don’t feel they can talk to others about their struggles.”
Sakr emphasised how important it was to have an authentic conversation with someone close to you, who takes the time to take notice and really listen.
“I think being genuine is one of the most important things you can do when you’re talking to someone,” he said.
“There is a lot of stigma around talking about mental health, especially in the workforce, meaning a lot of people will not really feel comfortable coming forward.
“This is why it is so important to be genuine in your approach with that real desire to help. This allows people to open up more and it does knock down that wall.”
R U OK? CEO Katherine Newton also emphasised the importance of genuineness, trust, and “let[ting] the person know you’re sticking around for whatever comes next”.
“We know the positive impact an R U OK? conversation can have when people know and trust each other. This usually means that trust has been built over time, they’re familiar with each other’s routines and behaviours, and they likely know what’s going on in each other’s lives.
“This trust, along with consideration of the ‘where’ and ‘when’ a conversation will take place contributes to making an R U OK? conversation truly meaningful,” Newton said.
For free resources to help you know when and how to ask ‘Are you OK?’ in your workplace, school and community, every day of the year, visit: ruok.org.au.
For support at any time of day or night, Lifeline provides free and confidential crisis support. Call 13 11 14, text 0477 13 11 14 or chat online at: lifeline.org.au.
MATES in Construction offers free 24/7 support by telephone for Australian construction workers. Call 1300 642 111.
Mensline offers free 24/7 support by telephone and online for men with emotional health and relationship concerns. Call 1300 78 99 78 or chat online at: mensline.org.au.
13YARN is a free 24/7 service offering crisis support for Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander people. Call 13YARN (13 92 76).
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