Victoria fast-tracking mobile and broadband improvement

Wednesday, 07 July, 2021

Victoria fast-tracking mobile and broadband improvement

The Victorian Government is fast-tracking better mobile coverage and broadband across the state through the record $550 million Connecting Victoria program.

Connecting Victoria will enable more businesses to take advantage of digital opportunities with more reliable, better value broadband in more places, including popular shopping streets and business parks.

The program builds on the state’s $130 million investment in connectivity projects since 2014 and will bolster the state’s economic recovery.

The government is inviting businesses and individuals to have their say on priority locations through a dedicated website. Participants can pinpoint problem areas on an interactive map by adding a marker and describe the problem they are experiencing.

The program focuses on getting more Victorians access to business-grade broadband and upgrading mobile coverage, improving 4G mobile coverage, helping more places become 5G ready, and improving access to safety information during bushfires and other emergencies.

The first locations to receive upgrades or new infrastructure are expected to be announced later this year, with more to follow across the state. Insights gained through consultation will help deliver better connectivity in more places across regional Victoria and outer suburban Melbourne.

The Victorian Government will encourage the Commonwealth Government and telecommunications providers to co-invest in the delivery of new infrastructure.

New mobile and broadband infrastructure will mean more jobs and a boost for local businesses and will help Victorians stay connected to loved ones. It will give more Victorians the opportunity to participate in the online world, with better mobile coverage at home and when out and about.

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