Hair salon cuts energy costs with LEDs
Tuesday, 25 March, 2014
In an effort to increase profits, Lattouf International Hair Salons recently embarked on a strategy to improve efficiencies across the business.
“I began by considering all the non-core activities involved in running a salon,” explains managing director Shady Dargham. The retailer operates eight stores throughout Melbourne.
“I noticed all the little things that take up time, and I learned that small maintenance issues can affect a business in more ways than most managers realise. In our case, it was light bulbs. No matter which salon I visited, there always seemed to be at least one globe not working.”
Dargham realised that apart from having a negative impact on salon ambience, the need to constantly replace light bulbs was taking attention away from clients, as well as the added safety risk every time a staff member climbed a ladder to change a light bulb.
“When I analysed our expenses more closely, I noticed electricity represented quite a high proportion of our overall costs, so I began to investigate new lighting options,” he explains.
cherryLED had the solution, installing more than 20 LED downlights to deliver an even, inviting glow throughout one salon in Malvern’s Tooronga Village Shopping Centre.
LEDs can reduce lighting bills by up to 80% and have a life span of 13 years or more (compared with just 3000 h for standard lighting). “Based on the success of this pilot project, we are planning an LED lighting upgrade for all of our eight salons - to take full advantage of the energy cost savings,” he says.
However, it’s not just about the bottom line. Any good retail strategy aims to maximise repeat business, and to achieve that, customer satisfaction is critical. Even small changes in lighting can make a world of difference to the customer’s experience in-store.
“There are big challenges in lighting a salon,” says Dargham. The lighting inside must match the outside environment if colours are to be accurate. cherryLED offers an LED light that mimics daylight, so retail spaces can be lit to match.
“As a hairdresser, I feel confident knowing that when I’m colouring a client’s hair, the result is going to be spot on. When our customers step outside, they’re always happy. And a happy customer is a repeat customer.”
Cool to the touch, LEDs can also provide intimate and directional lighting for display cabinets and shelves, without any potential fire hazard or risk of damaging stock.
“Because they’re inexpensive to run and operate at a low temperature, we can even leave a few lights on overnight, attracting more eyes to our retail window while enhancing security.
“We chose cherryLED because they’re Australian, with products designed here for local conditions and building safety standards. They came to the salon, made recommendations and installed the lighting, all within a week.”
With an average payback period of around two years and government rebates in place for businesses that adopt energy-efficient systems, retailers are increasingly making the move
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