Queensland government offers free CFL lamps
The Queensland government is giving away 1 million environmentally friendly Megaman compact fluorescent lamps (CFL) with the expectation that it would reduce Queensland greenhouse gas emission by 72,000 tonnes a year. The 'Big light switch' campaign commenced 9 November 2008.
Amalgam is used in place of liquid mercury in the fabrication of the lamps, which is in stable solid physical form. It is an alloy of mercury combined with other metals to provide an eco-friendlier and safer alternative to liquid mercury because mercury vapour is not released until it reaches high temperatures at approximately 100 oC. So at room temperatures, the mercury is contained within the alloy and doesn’t escape, even if the lamp breaks.
CICCADA project to analyse Australia's consumer energy
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NSW EV charging network expands
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SA Power Networks to trial eco-switchgear
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