Queensland’s clean wind energy potential mapped
The Queensland state government has released a map of the state’s wind-energy potential to help lead clean-energy companies to prime development sites in Queensland.
The Minister for Natural Resources, Mines and Energy, Stephen Robertson, said the map will show the international community of clean-energy investors that Queensland is open for business: “We know Queensland has the natural resources necessary to become a renewable energy leader, and the wind map will provide evidence of this to the world.
“The Wind Atlas highlights zones of wind speed and strength across the state. These zones are represented in colour ranges from blue to red, with red being the highest wind-farm potential.
“In particular, the areas around the regions including Atherton to Cooktown through to Cairns are shown to be peculiarly windy, with higher wind renewable energy potential.
“The government’s Office of Clean Energy contracted Hydro Tasmania Consulting, a company with significant experience in renewable energy, and with particular expertise in the wind and hydroelectric industries, to produce the map.
“The wind energy map is overlaid with key information such as the location of national parks and existing power infrastructure, and future updates will add even more information. The map can be downloaded free from the Office of Clean Energy website [www.cleanenergy.qld.gov.au] and used by developers’ own mapping systems.
“The Office of Clean Energy will also use the map to identify Renewable Energy Zones for the state.”
These zones will be similar to a minerals province and will be the prime areas of the state where access to state land will be facilitated, planning processes streamlined and incentives developed for renewable energy proponents.
The ‘Queensland Wind Map’ is a key initiative of the government’s Queensland Renewable Energy Plan and will help to attract significant investment to the state. It is a significant milestone in the government’s overarching plan to leverage $3.5 billion of renewable energy investment and to create 3500 green jobs.
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