Heat is on for NSW electricity network, says ETU

Tuesday, 08 January, 2013

Extreme heat occurrences, such as the heatwave currently being experienced across Australia, are the reason network investment and network reliability standards should not be reduced, the Electrical Trades Union (ETU) has said.

“In recent months we have listened to politicians from all major parties say that there should be a reduction in network investment and reliability standards but today is the perfect example why this should not happen,” said ETU Secretary Steve Butler.

“NSW residents and business owners expect electricity to be available even on the hottest days of the year and any push to reduce network reliability would be bad for the business community and bad for NSW residents trying to stay cool.

“I challenge those politicians that have recently said we should reduce reliability standards to come out today and repeat those claims. These political leaders need to tell us how they will reduce reliability and what impact that will have on businesses and residents on a day like today.

“Blackouts are inconvenient at the best of times and are sometimes unavoidable but governments have a responsibility to do everything in their power to guarantee the supply of electricity all year round including in extreme weather events such as today.

“I expect that the NSW electricity network will stand up to the demands placed on it today, this will not be without incident, but a well-maintained and well-managed network, which we have in NSW can deliver on a day like this,” said Butler.

Butler said he believed that a well-maintained and managed network is the best way to deliver a reliable electricity supply. The ETU in NSW is opposed to any form of electricity privatisation that would put future reliability and public safety at risk, Butler said.

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