Electrical standards keep Australia safe

Wednesday, 04 September, 2019

Electrical standards keep Australia safe

With the kick-off of Electricity Safety Week 2019, Standards Australia is highlighting the standards followed by members of the construction, manufacturing and electrical community to help make Australia safe.

Electricity Safety Week serves as a reminder that safety around electricity is a 24/7 exercise. Fortunately, there is plenty of guidance available for industry professionals, students and apprentices learning the ropes, as well as the wider community.

“Among the huge amounts of safety guidance on all things electricity, we find Australian and international standards across many different areas of the electrical sector,” said Standards Australia’s General Manager of Strategy and Engagement, Adam Stingemore. “While much of this guidance is aimed at the professionals in the sector, the consumers are ultimately the big winners, with a lot of the guidance aimed at ensuring we can all use electricity safely.”

Standards being acknowledged include:

  • AS/NZS 3112:2017 Approval and test specification — plugs and socket-outlets
  • AS 3000:2018 Electrical installations
  • AS/NZS 6215:2008 Electric toys — safety
  • AS/NZS 1154.1-2009 Insulator and conductor fittings for overhead power lines, Part 1: Performance, material, general requirements and dimensions
  • AS/NZS 3808:2000 Rec:2017 Insulating and sheathing materials for electric cables

“This list is a very small sample proving the impact standards have in improving electrical safety,” said Stingemore.

“Standards we are recognising this week highlight the broad nature of the safety we help provide, covering consumers and professionals in a variety of settings.

“Regardless of their focus, standards have been keeping electricians and the Australian public safe for just under 100 years and we are pleased to say this shows no signs of slowing down,” concluded Stingemore.

Image credit: ©stock.adobe.com/au/Kadmy

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