Deliver five-star field service engagement — an eBook
Supplied by ClickSoftware Australia Pty Ltd on Wednesday, 12 April, 2017
Field service engagement is the connective tissue between service technology and customers. Field service customers now demand ‘Uber-like’ tools that could provide the technician name, location, photo and estimated arrival time.
Download this eBook by ClickSoftware to learn about the four pillars of field service engagement and how to transform your service organization into a well-oiled customer engagement machine.
5 critical field service metrics to know
Field service leaders have an abundance of statistics to possibly track. Which metrics would...
The guide to making the right decisions for your mobile solutions
For a superior mobile field service solution you need a well-thought-out holistic strategy...
Turn field service into a profit magnet
As the opportunities for field workers to help a business surge, companies are progressively...