Business and management > Associations, organisations, universities

MEA and Clipsal & Schneider Electric form alliance

12 August, 2013

Master Electricians Australia and Clipsal & Schneider Electric have formed an alliance which will reportedly provide a number of benefits to the electrical industry.

MEA welcomes Coalition’s HIP inquiry promise

09 August, 2013

The Coalition’s promise to establish a full judicial inquiry into the federal government’s Home Insulation Program (HIP) if it is elected has been welcomed by Master Electricians Australia (MEA).

Blue light at night linked to mood disorders

08 August, 2013

Ohio State University and Salk Institute researchers have found that - in Siberian hamsters, at least - blue light has the worst effect on mood, followed closely by white light.

MEA and ECA join forces

16 July, 2013

Master Electricians Australia (MEA) and the Electrical Contractors Association (ECA) have joined forces and will operate as a national membership association to be collectively known as Master Electricians Australia.

Australian Cablemakers Association launches new website

08 July, 2013

The Australian Cablemakers Association (ACA) has launched a new website focused on the cable manufacturing industry, workplace health and safety issues, cable quality and non-compliant and counterfeit cables.

World-first electricity monitoring device developed

03 June, 2013

UK engineers have developed a multicore clamp sensor that can measure current flowing in any accessible mains cable, giving a more detailed picture of electricity usage in the home.

CSIRO launches Future Grid Cluster

30 May, 2013

CSIRO today announced a $13 million research collaboration with four leading Australian universities to develop the nation’s capacity to plan and design the most efficient, low-emission electricity grid for Australia.

ASIS and BICSI sign memorandum of understanding

23 May, 2013

ASIS and BICSI have signed a memorandum of understanding to foster the growth of the security and information technology systems industries, promote public safety and protect critical infrastructure globally.

AIRAH launches Solar Cooling Special Technical Group

17 May, 2013

The Australian Institute of Refrigeration, Air Conditioning and Heating (AIRAH) has launched its Solar Cooling Special Technical Group.

Budget cuts will hinder clean energy development in Australia

15 May, 2013

The federal government’s decision to cut funding to clean energy projects and reports is disappointing, clean energy industry advocates have said.

Power Professor joins Sydney University

15 May, 2013

The University of Sydney’s School of Electrical and Information Engineering has a new head: the power engineering specialist Professor Joe (Zhao Yang) Dong.

MEA launches new membership category

07 May, 2013

Master Electricians Australia has launched a new category of membership that offers nationwide industry support to contractors and businesses within the electrical and wider sectors.

Helping contractors stay one step ahead

07 May, 2013 by Malcolm Richards, CEO, Master Electricians Australia

In a constantly evolving industry, it has always been critical for electrical contracting businesses to stay one step ahead of the game. Whether in keeping up to date with industry news or with regulatory changes, there are numerous administration duties that need to be taken care of on top of the day-to-day running of a business.

Declining Victorian home approvals hurt small contractors

12 April, 2013

Master Electricians Australia has urged the state government to reinstate first home owner bonus grants as falling new home approval rates hurt smaller contractors within the construction and electrical industry in Victoria.

Spate of electrical safety incidents in NSW prompts urgent call to action

09 April, 2013

Master Electricians Australia (MEA) has today urged the NSW Government to take immediate action toward legislating the mandatory fitting of safety switches in all NSW homes following a recent spate of severe electrical safety incidents.

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