Business and management > Regulations, accreditation, standards

Program to raise awareness of counterfeit electrical products

28 May, 2009

Eaton Corporation is collaborating with Electrical Safety Foundation International to build awareness of counterfeit electrical product dangers.

Electrical industry welcomes government partnership in building smart energy networks

22 May, 2009

The Energy Network Association considers the National Energy Efficiency Initiative outlined in the federal government's 2009 Budget 2009 as a positive step to building smarter and more efficient energy distribution networks.

Primer on RCD basics

22 May, 2009

Electrical contractors need to have a better understanding of the operation and deployment of RCDs in view of their increased importance in the new Wiring Rules.

Old buildings take the green lead

27 April, 2009

A recent CSIRO report indicates that the demand for more energy-efficient electrical services in existing commercial buildings is on the rise.

Push for closer international cooperation on energy efficiency standards

16 April, 2009

A meeting of international standards bodies has put out a call to all electrical industry stakeholders to cooperate for the developmnent of international energy efficiency standards.

Safety alert on working near live electrical equipment

08 April, 2009

The recent electrocution of an electrician in NSW has prompted WorkCover NSW to issue a safety notice to remind electrical tradespeople of the dangers of working on live circuits.

Regulators revise telco cabling standard

11 March, 2009

Standards Australia has released a new edition of 'AS 1049 Telecommunications cables — installation, sheath and jacket' to provide the communications cabling industry with up-to-date information on the material requirements and testing methods.

Electrical contractor fined over unsafe electrical work

10 March, 2009

A Western Australian electrical contractor was fined $10,000 for failing to protect a worker who was drilling in close proximity to high-voltage power lines.

Company convicted over fatal electrocution

27 February, 2009

The dangers of working with electricity were highlighted recently when a company was prosecuted following the fatal electrocution of its maintenance manager.

Fire safety concerns over data cables from some Chinese manufacturers

19 February, 2009 by Paul Stathis, editor

Data cable testing in the US has revealed that many cables on sale in the market are not compliant to critical fire safety codes.

Feed-in tariff announced for Canberra

11 February, 2009

The ACT government has announced a generous electricity feed-in tariff scheme that is expected to encourage the take-up of alternative energy sources in both commercial and domestic buildings.

Queensland electrical safety plan

27 January, 2009

Queensland's Electrical Safety Plan has been revised and reissued, outlining a number of strategies to minimise electrical safety incidents over the next five years.

EnergySafety investigates electrocution fatality

27 January, 2009

A man has been fatally electrocuted while using a portable electric drill that was connected to a circuit that appears not to have been protected by an RCD.

WA safety inspections find electrical problems

16 January, 2009

A WorkSafe audit on construction sites in Western Australia has revealed deficiencies in testing and tagging of electrical appliances.

Smart grid deployment could mean 280,000 new jobs in US, says report

16 January, 2009

According to a recent US report, the deployment of a 'smart grid' across the US electricity network could directly create up to 280,000 new jobs.

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