Test and measurement > Thermal imaging

Testo 875 thermal imager

09 July, 2012

The Testo 875 imager is suitable for quickly and directly testing heating, air conditioning and ventilation installations.

NEC InfReC R300Z IR thermography camera

12 June, 2012

The InfReC R300Z infrared thermal imager camera from NEC Avio features a high-quality optical zoom lens for easy viewing and is capable of capturing both telephoto and wide-angle fully radiometric infrared images without changing lenses.

Fluke Ti125, Ti110, TiR125, TiR110 and Ti100 thermal imagers

28 May, 2012

Fluke Corporation has introduced five new thermal imagers - Ti125, Ti110, TiR125, TiR110 and Ti100 - designed to help users do more in less time. The Ti110 and Ti125 imagers are suitable for industrial/commercial applications, TiR110 and TiR125 for building diagnostics applications and Ti100 for general use.

Why buy thermal imaging cameras?

25 May, 2012

Thermal imaging cameras can detect extremely small temperature differences. Based on these temperature differences, thermal imaging cameras are able to produce a crisp image on which the smallest of details can be seen. This makes them perfect tools for a wide variety of predictive maintenance applications. A thermal imaging camera is a reliable, non-contact instrument which is able to scan and visualise the temperature distribution of entire surfaces of machinery and electrical equipment quickly and accurately. Maintenance programs utilising thermography have contributed to substantial cost savings for many users of thermal imaging cameras around the world.

FLIR T400 and T400bx Series thermal imaging cameras

15 May, 2012

FLIR Systems has launched the FLIR T400 and T400bx Series of thermal imaging cameras. The cameras combine good ergonomics with 320 x 240 pixel image quality. The cameras come with a tiltable optical unit which makes it possible for users to measure and take images of objects in all angles while maintaining a comfortable working position.

Testo SuperResolution technology

09 May, 2012

Testo SuperResolution is a software upgrade that can be applied to all thermal imaging cameras in the current range. It allows users to get four times more pixels and a geometric resolution better by a factor of 1.6 - improving the image quality of the thermal imager. 

FLIR E30 thermal camera

19 April, 2012

The FLIR E30 thermal camera is equipped with a 2 MP visual camera that enables the operator to reference the position of the identified problem with a visual image.

FLIR Systems infrared inspection windows

18 April, 2012

Opening electrical cabinets to perform infrared (IR) and visual inspections of live components can expose technicians to the risk of arc flash incidents. FLIR Systems’ range of IR inspection windows means technicians don’t need to open enclosures to perform inspections, minimising the risk of arc flash.

FLIR i-Series infrared cameras

23 March, 2012

The upgraded i-Series cameras offer improved infrared camera options. The FLIR i7 now has 36% higher thermal resolution than before and a wider 29° field of view to help users image more clearly and scan more quickly.

Vivax VCam digital 60 m pipeline inspection system

14 February, 2012

Available to rent, the Vivax VCam digital 60 m pipeline inspection system includes a transmitting sonde with 512 and 640 Hz for cast iron piping and 33k Hz for deeper detection.

FLIR Systems thermal fence

22 November, 2011 by

The thermal fence is a fully integrated virtual perimeter alert system which uses thermal security cameras for simultaneous threat detection and assessment.

AIS S30 fixed-mount infrared thermal imagers

09 November, 2011 by

The S30 fixed-mount type infrared thermal imagers with compact form factor and aluminium IP67-protected housing are controlled and operated over the ethernet. Still and moving IR images can be acquired and monitored remotely.

FLIR T-Series infrared cameras

05 September, 2011

The T-Series infrared cameras offer 307,200 (640 x 480) infrared pixel resolution. The 640 x 480 advanced models give thermographers the tools they need to work quickly, accurately and efficiently in industrial, utility, heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) and building diagnostics settings.

Fluke P3 series thermal imagers

19 July, 2011

The P3 series thermal imagers add four additional products providing high-performance imagers for any budget. All models are specifically designed to work in even the harshest environments and provide good image quality with one-handed, easy-to-use interfaces.

Fluke Ti27/TiR27/Ti29 thermal imagers

24 May, 2011

The Ti27, TiR27 and TiR29 thermal imagers have been added to the Fluke P3 series that features thermal sensitivity and spatial resolution combined with a high-definition display.

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