NSW's best electrical projects announced
New South Wales’ best electrical and communications contractors were awarded at the annual excellence awards hosted by the National Electrical and Communications Association (NECA).
The winning companies and their projects are listed below.
Category - Domestic Residence
A single-residence project in the domestic sector where the applicant’s contract value is less than $1 million.
Winner - Synergy Integrated Systems
Project: Private residence, Northern Beaches
Why: The client for this large multilevel private residence, situated on Sydney’s Northern Beaches, wanted a family home that was simple and intuitive to use. In addition to the integration of the many technical products included in this project, Synergy was responsible for the design of the electrical reticulation, including maximum demand calculations and load approvals, designing switchboards and distribution boards, and locating cable pathways throughout the home. Movement sensors and lux level sensors within the home were combined with strategically placed exterior wind sensors and lighting sensors. These are linked to more than 85 separate internal and external blinds that assist in heating and cooling this remarkable home.
Category - Small Contracting Business
A contractor, employing less than 10 technical employees, demonstrating a wide range of skills on a particular project.
Winner - TN Electrical
Project: BMA House
Why: Work on this 12-storey heritage-listed building, occupied by medical and legal practitioners, included the replacement of the entire electrical distribution system, from the incoming supply through to 60 tenancy sub-boards. TN Electrical was faced with a multitude of challenges - including retaining the heritage features of the building, ensuring power outages were kept to a minimum, extremely limited storage on site, noise and dust minimisation, confined working areas, limited access and having to work after hours. A crucial element factor in the success of this upgrade was TN’s technical knowledge. By pre-testing the in-situ cables in the heritage building, and working closely with installation inspectors from Ausgrid at an early stage and on a continual basis, TN Electrical ensured a safe and successful outcome.
Category - Energy Efficiency and Environment
A project where the design, product selection, lighting, processes or technologies have created an energy-efficient or sustainable installation and/or made a significant contribution to preservation of a site’s natural environment.
Winner - Downer Infrastructure
Project: Gladesville Facility Energy Efficient Lighting Upgrade
Why: Downer set out to improve the quality of the lighting and achieve maximum energy savings in one of its own facilities, comprising three floors of commercial office space, underground car park and warehouse facilities. High-quality, energy-efficient T5 fluorescent light fittings were used in both the office and warehouse areas, presenting a challenge in wiring technologically advanced light fittings and sensors into a 20-year-old building. The use of combined movement and daylight sensors reduced the number of lights being used when not needed. Energy savings of 155,000 kWh per year have been achieved - equating to 163 tonnes of greenhouse gases and an annual saving of over $35,000 in electricity costs.
Category - Lighting
A commercial, industrial, residential, hospitality, retail or sports project of any value where the lighting achieves a high level of visual, technical and aesthetic excellence.
Winner - Barnwell Cambridge
Project: Noble Bradman Stand - Sydney Cricket Ground
Why: This major project involved turning the old MA Noble, Sir Donald Bradman and Dally Messenger stands into the new Noble Bradman Stand at the SCG. The works also included the relocation of two light towers and upgrade of sports lighting to suit the revised geometry of the field. Barnwell Cambridge completed many hours of computer modelling, not only looking at the lighting for the field itself but also in areas such as the grandstand, function rooms and even stairwells. As a result of the success of this project, Barnwell Cambridge is now the preferred contractor for all electrical maintenance on the SCG and Football Stadium Precinct, from high voltage to general lighting and power.
Category - Industrial Project - Small
An industrial project that may include, but is not limited to, undertakings of a civil, mining, high-voltage, manufacturing or process nature where the contract value is less than $2 million.
Winner - IMS Installations International
Project: Afford eCycleIT
Why: Afford eCycleIT is the Australian Foundation for Disability’s new e-waste plant, using CRT processing equipment purchased in the US. IMS was required to design and install the complete electrical supply, motor control, safety, PLC control and automation systems, both for the US-supplied equipment and for all the auxiliary equipment, including conveyor sequencing, safety systems and dust extraction systems. Integrating the equipment from the US with locally made equipment to create a fully automated system, with safety and control systems suitable for disabled and regular workers, housed in a building with an inadequate electrical supply and not enough space, provided IMS with unique challenges.
Category - Industrial Project - Large
An industrial project which may include, but is not limited to, undertakings of a civil, mining, high-voltage, manufacturing or process nature where the contract value is greater than $2 million.
Winner - Bass Electrical Engineering
Project: Port Kembla Grinding Mill
Why: The new Grinding Mill at Port Kembla is said to be the largest cement-grinding mill in Australia. Designed and pre-assembled in Spain, it was shipped to Port Kembla for offloading, erecting and commissioning by Bass and its partner on the project, Mainteck. Incomplete and insufficient electrical design information was received from Spain, which, along with Spanish equipment that did not meet the relevant Australian Standards, created major challenges for Bass. Bass assumed the role of completing the construction engineering for the project and completed designs associated with cable pathways beneath all switch rooms, the conveyors and balance of plant around the site - and taking into account the varying cable voltages from 33 kV through to 24 VDC.
Category - Voice/Data Project
A voice/data communications project of any contract value.
Winner - Fredon Industries
Project: Charles Perkins Centre
Why: The 10-level Charles Perkins Centre at RPA provides a facility for research into obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. The facility caters for 950 researchers and almost 1500 undergraduate and postgraduate students. Fredon’s scope of works included design and construct for the electrical, communication, security, audio visual, standby diesel generator with building load management, photovoltaic, UPS and nurse call systems. This impressive project used over 520 km of Cat 6A cable, 5.5 km of fibre cables, 389 24-port patch panels and 14,500 patch leads, creating an environment where the technology blends seamlessly into the building’s striking interior design.
Category - Commercial - Small Project
A commercial project where the applicant’s contract value is less than $500,000.
Winner - Ryan Wilks
Project: Sydney Opera House Eastern Shell Lighting
Why: This was a technically complex project to light the eastern shell of the Opera House via two new 12-m high lighting poles, each equipped with 14 metal halide luminaires. One pole was installed on the heritage-listed Man O’War Steps, while the other was installed in the harbour, 11 m out from the Opera House. Cable reticulation to this pole was penetrated out from behind the Eastern Broad Walk Facade, down the ocean wall to the seabed. The installation of the underwater conduits involved workers on the Broad Walk and underwater divers. All equipment used for this project was delivered by sea, minimising disruption to the always-busy Opera House.
Category - Commercial - Medium Project
A commercial project where the applicant’s contract value is more than $500,000 and less than $3 million
Winner - Ryan Wilks
Project: Mount Kuring-gai Pharmaceutical Facility
Why: New LED technology, including custom-made fittings to suit the client’s specific requirements, was utilised in this project, which saw Ryan Wilks design, supply and install the electrical services for a new four-storey pharmaceutical production facility in Mount Kuring-gai. Works included electrical reticulation, general power and lighting, data and telephone services, security and access control, clean room access control, fire detection and lighting protection. Power reticulation is via a new 2500 A main switchboard and distribution boards throughout three levels of the office and clean room compounding area. This electrical reticulation design provides the client with reliably engineered electrical services, with the capacity for future growth.
Category - Commercial - Large Project
A commercial project where the applicant’s contract value is greater than $3 million.
Winner - Programmed Electrical Technologies
Project: NBN Earth Satellite Stations
Why: As a part of the NBN rollout, Satellite Earth Stations are being established across Australia in remote locations such as Bourke, Broken Hill, Roma and Wolumia. Programmed Electrical Technologies developed accurate 3D models for each station type. These models contained the entire infrastructure, including cable ladders, trays, baskets, switchboards, UPS systems and technical rooms. With much of the infrastructure produced off site, and services such as lighting integrated into the structures, site deployment was quick, accurate and seamless. Most sites contain an integrated 100 kW solar farm. Coupled with a Honeywell BMS and Dynalite lighting control system, each facility is monitored and controlled from a central network operations centre.
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