ACT feed-in tariff sparks up clean economy
23 August, 2010The ACT Government’s feed-in tariff scheme is claimed to have boosted the local economy through the global financial crisis, while decreasing the Territory’s reliance on coal-fired electricity.
Integrated building photovoltaics market to reach US$8.2 billion by 2015, says report
23 July, 2010A recent report on the uptake and potential of photovoltaics that can be integrated into a building’s fabric predicts US$8.2 billion in revenues by 2015.
ACT Government considers expansion of solar feed-in tariff scheme
22 July, 2010The ACT Government is currently considering options to extend the solar energy feed-in tariff scheme to include medium- and large-scale renewable generation capacity.
Electric utilities must embrace clean energy and energy efficiency to compete, says report
20 July, 2010A recent US report states that important factors such as climate change, emerging renewable technologies, carbon costs and volatile fossil-fuel prices are the driving forces behind new business models in the electrical industry in the 21st century.
Safe solar panel installations require electricians
09 June, 2010NECA is calling for state electricity regulators to mandate solar energy systems be installed only by qualified electricians.
Can Australia achieve 100% renewable energy by 2020?
04 June, 2010 by Matthew Wright, Executive Director of Beyond Zero EmissionsThe Zero Carbon Australia 2020 Project is a detailed and costed blueprint for a transition to a zero-emissions economy in 10 years using proven, commercialised technology. Its purpose is to show the Australian public and decision-makers that reaching a zero-emissions economy is ready to be implemented and only awaits government sign-off. It aims to initiate urgent efforts to mitigate the risks posed by global warming and to describe the infrastructure and resources required to reduce Australia’s carbon emissions to zero in the medium term.
Government introduces legislation to enhance renewable energy target
26 May, 2010Reforms to enhance Australia’s ambitious 20% Renewable Energy Target have recently been introduced into Parliament.
CSIRO to build world’s largest solar power tower
04 May, 2010CSIRO recently announced that it has commenced construction of the world's largest solar-power tower in Newcastle.
Soanar EcoTech monocrystalline solar panels
22 April, 2010The EcoTech range of monocrystalline solar panels is available in 12 different power ranges from 5 up to 280 W.
Champion Compressors EcoPak compressors
16 April, 2010 byThe EcoPak compressor range combines variable speed drive and variable output control technologies to deliver energy-efficient compressed air for applications where there are widely varying compressed air demands.
Revised feed-in tariff scheme details announced in ACT
06 April, 2010The ACT’s nation-leading feed-in tariff will pay solar generators a premium rate of 45.7c/kWh from 1 July, following detailed advice from the ACT Independent Competition and Regulatory Commission.
Solar energy is coming, ready or not
01 April, 2010Solar energy has the potential to become the leading source of ‘green’ energy in Australia, however, with so many means of delivering it and the various complexities associated with them, there is a danger that we may choose the wrong path and impede the effectiveness of solar energy in curbing greenhouse gas emissions. These choices not only need to be made by governments, but also private enterprises, the community and the electrical industry.
Researchers discover new way of producing electricity
23 March, 2010Researchers at MIT have discovered a new way of producing electricity using carbon nanotubes.
Distributed energy has power to save billions
10 March, 2010Wide-scale adoption of low-emission distributed energy could reduce the cost of transitioning to a low-carbon future by as much a $130 billion by 2050, according to a new report released by CSIRO.
Queensland’s clean wind energy potential mapped
01 March, 2010The Queensland government is encouraging investment in green energy, through the release of a map of the state’s wind-energy potential.