Victoria gets solar power feed-in scheme
14 July, 2009The Victorian government has recently passed legislation that allows electricity generated by consumers with solar power facilities to be sold to utilities, providing an incentive for the installation of solar cells.
Strong industry response to ACT solar facility EOI
14 July, 2009Industry response to the ACT government’s call for expressions of interest for its proposed solar energy facility has been positive.
Public comment sought on proposed ACT solar power facility
18 June, 2009Public consultation sessions have been scheduled in Canberra on the proposed ACT solar power facility.
Energy harvesting market outlook
12 June, 2009Presentations at a recent Energy Harvesting conference suggest that a number of innovative means to harvest energy to provide alternate electrical energy sources could become a reality in the near future.
Major development in solar power rooftop energy source
11 June, 2009A transparent thin film barrier, currently used to protect flat panel TVs from moisture, could become the basis for flexible solar panels in the future that would be installed on roofs like shingles.
Energy Frontier Research Centre established
04 June, 2009A centre to study new solar materials by combining predictive theory with experiment is being established in the US to drive innovation in alternative energy sources.
Australian government bill on green jobs and technology
21 May, 2009At the most recent COAG meeting, the federal government's renewable energy target scheme, which could boost Australia's investment in renewable energy by $20 billion, was endorsed by the council.
New solar panel surge expected as rebates close and new round of installations begins
19 May, 2009The government's solar energy rebate scheme has been instrumental in thousands of residential solar energy systems being installed over the past year, but its impending close is expected to accelerate the uptake of these systems in the coming months.
ACT takes lead in switching to 'green' power
06 April, 2009The ACT government has recently taken further steps to promote the consumption of green energy.
Strong industry interest in ACT solar power facility
09 March, 2009The ACT governent has announced it is making progress to developing a solar power facility in the near future.
Green light for ACT solar energy scheme
02 March, 2009The ACT government's solar energy rebate scheme has been given the 'all clear' to proceed after it was recently passed through the Legislative Assembly.
Printable solar technology heralds 'electronic revolution'
25 February, 2009New technology being developed by CSIRO may enable solar energy to be generated in the future by transparent films fixed to our windows.
Solar cooling technology to reduce peak electricity demand
27 January, 2009In what may seem a contradiction, CSIRO is developing an air-conditioning technology that cools better the hotter the weather gets. Solar cooling offers the potential to avert peak demand problems during extreme hot weather conditions while minimising greenhouse gas emissions.
Households switch to GreenPower
05 August, 2008The number of ACT households opting for GreenPower has increased by almost 150% over the past two years, with over 10,200 customers (8% of all energy customers) using it.
Fuel cell
01 August, 2008The RiCell fuel cell system is a standalone power supply, suitable for applications in transport and environmental technology, power engineering, IT and telecommunications, such as use in tunnels as an emergency back-up generator in case of power supply failures.