Designing a metering system for small and medium-sized buildings

Supplied by on Monday, 24 February, 2014

With rising energy costs, environmental pressures and unreliable power supply, there is a need for sustainable design and energy efficiency in new and existing commercial properties. There are a number of ways existing building owners and facilities managers can adapt and benefit by installing an effective WAGES (water, air, gas, electricity, steam) metering system. The ultimate goal is for buildings to produce more energy than they consume.

The cornerstone of efficient energy management, continuous automatic metering provides real-time information, alarms and simple load controls, and, in some cases, recommendations for corrective actions. These, when measured against user-defined metrics, can deliver historic and predictive energy intelligence for high-precision energy efficiency.

This white paper examines WAGES metering and the first steps towards a comprehensive energy management strategy. The paper outlines best practices for metering implementation, analysis and optimum performance. Download now to read more.


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