Safety warning for portable generators
08 November, 2013Electrical safety authorities have warned that small portable generators imported into Australia may have unsuitable battery charging outlets. Electrical contractors are being urged to ensure their portable generators have the correct outlet and leads.
Comment period for Defence cabling standard closing soon
29 October, 2013Communications Alliance is seeking comments on a scheduled review of the 'Requirements for installation of temporary field telecommunications customer cabling for defence purposes' standard (AS/ACIF S035:2008).
Comment invited on new solar standard
22 October, 2013The Australian Solar Council is inviting comments on a draft of the revised Australian standard AS/NZS 5033 Installation and Safety Requirements for Photovoltaic (PV) Arrays. The draft is available for comment and review until 28 October.
KNX approved as Chinese Standard
21 October, 2013The home and building control standard KNX has been approved as Chinese Standard (GB/T 20965).
Man fined $50K for unlicensed electrical work
21 October, 2013A businessman who posed as a licensed electrician has been fined more than $50,000 for multiple incidences of carrying out unlicensed electrical work, Master Electricians Australia has reported.
Inconsistent cable recall reveals failures in safety laws
11 October, 2013The recall of Infinity brand electrical cables in New South Wales - but not in any other Australian states - is putting homeowners at serious risk of fire or electric shock, Master Electricians Australia claims.
PV arrays standard open for public comment
30 September, 2013Standards Australia has released a revised version of AS/NZS5033 Installation and safety requirements for photovoltaic (PV) arrays for public comment.
New code of conduct for solar retail businesses
27 September, 2013A new voluntary code of conduct for solar PV retail businesses imposes standards for the marketing and sale of solar PV systems, which are in addition to their existing obligations under consumer protection legislation.
Revised Standards and Code for VDSL2 and Vectoring
25 September, 2013To facilitate the deployment of VDSL2 and vectoring technologies as part of the NBN, the Communications Alliance has revised the industry standards and launched an industry code.
GBCA urges Coalition to lead by example on efficiency
13 September, 2013The Green Building Council of Australia says it looks forward to working with the newly elected Coalition to achieve a more productive, healthy and liveable nation.
Cat 8 cabling standards update
26 August, 2013A task group has recently been approved to study the concept of adding ISO/IEC Class II limits to the draft Category 8 cabling standard. The group is expected to review existing Class II specifications and submit recommendations, allowing members of TR42.7 an opportunity to contribute towards the development of Class II cabling specifications.
The new standard will impact on the interoperability and portability of cabling, LAN and SAN equipment in data centres. Download this paper to learn more.
Apprentice wages to rise after FWC decision
22 August, 2013The Fair Work Commission has issued a decision to change a number of award provisions relating to apprentices. Apprentice wages will increase and minimum award rates for adult apprentices will be increased.
BICSI releases new standard for electronic safety and security system design
19 August, 2013BICSI, the international association supporting the information technology systems (ITS) industry, has released its latest standard, ANSI/BICSI 005-2013, Electronic Safety and Security (ESS) System Design and Implementation Best Practices.
Efficient buildings could save millions of taxpayer dollars
19 August, 2013Improving the energy efficiency of its building portfolio could cut the federal government’s energy expenditure by more than $35 million per year, the GBCA says.
Ministers welcome recommencement of pit remediation
07 August, 2013Telstra’s announcement that pit remediation work for the NBN will recommence on 19 August has been welcomed by Bill Shorten and Anthony Albanese.