Field Service Business > Safety

Happy Ears earplugs

10 December, 2015

Happy Ears earplugs combine noise reduction and sound reproduction. Ordinary earplugs tend to muffle both lower and higher frequencies, which can lead to a tinny, muddy sound.

Does stress affect your driving?

02 December, 2015

The National Road Safety Partnership Program (NRSPP) is trying to uncover the effects of stress and driving. A seemingly understudied topic, the Headspace project aims to shed light on the connection between the two — how stress and negative events impact on a driver's state of mind, or headspace, which in turn may impact on his or her ability to drive safely.

National Asbestos Awareness Month launched

06 November, 2015

National Asbestos Awareness Month has kicked off a launch campaign with a plea to every Australian to make it their business to 'Get to kNOw Asbestos this NOvember'.

Safety issue notice — self-retracting lanyards

05 November, 2015

MSA Australia has advised a potential safety issue with its 9 and 15 m Workman self-retracting lanyards (SRLs). The affected products bear MSA Part Nos 10120723 and 10121777 and were manufactured from January through August 2015.

Be safe. Be healthy. Because... work health and safety doesn't end in October

04 November, 2015

National Safe Work Month may have come to an end for 2015, but Safe Work Australia Chief Executive Officer Michelle Baxter is urging individuals and workplaces to continue to keep work health and safety top of mind throughout the year.

Workplace road safety guide

03 November, 2015

Corporate and organisational fleet and road safety is of strong interest to government and government agencies in Australia and New Zealand. It has been identified that there is great opportunity to engage and assist organisations and corporations in the delivery of road safety and road safety measures to achieve nationally significant road-related trauma reductions.

Andatech Wingmate personal breathalyser

02 November, 2015

Andatech has released the Wingmate personal breathalyser, featuring one-button operation and fast response times.

The dangers of diesel

23 October, 2015

According to SafeWork Australia (SWA), approximately 1.2 million Australian workers were exposed to diesel exhaust in the workplace in 2011. Those at risk cover a range of occupations including drive-in booth operators, miners, construction workers, oil and gas workers, forklift drivers, loading dock workers, truck drivers, farm workers, stevedores and vehicle maintenance workers.

Reduce the cost risk of work-related injury

10 September, 2015

If work safety is not a current priority for your business, it should be. Work Safe Australia recorded two work-related deaths per 100,000 workers in a recent financial year. Work-related injury and illness was estimated to cost $60.6 billion in another financial year, 4.8% of the Australian GDP.

The new driving dangers — selfies and watching telly

13 August, 2015

Sigh. Are we really this stupid? New research by the Institute of Advanced Motorists (IAM) reveals the shocking extent to which drivers use their phones and tablets to take selfies, make video calls and watch videos while driving in the United Kingdom.

Australians lead the way in roadshaming

07 August, 2015

It looks like dash cams are being put to good use in Australia with global bad driver behaviour website reporting that Aussies are the world leaders in uploading photos and videos of road users.

Text and call blockers — will they work?

20 July, 2015

It's hard to believe it's come to this, but we could soon see the introduction of a device that fits into a port under the steering wheel of all cars manufactured post-1996, designed to block incoming calls and text messages while the car engine is on. It seems that drivers cannot be trusted to resist the temptation to text.

2015 Australasian Road Safety Conference

17 July, 2015

The inaugural Australasian Road Safety Conference (ARSC2015) is being held on Queensland's Gold Coast from 14-16 October 2015. A joint initiative of the Australiasian College of Road Safety, Austroads and the Centre for Accident Research and Road Safety – Queensland (CARRS-Q), the event is a response to the United Nationals call for a Decade of Action on Road Safety.

Airbag disaster worsens

29 June, 2015

Things are not improving in the Takata airbag disaster. The product recall has become the largest ever in Australia and it now has the potential to turn into a legal stoush, according to reports in Sydney's The Daily Telegraph.

Keep your eyes on the road

17 June, 2015

We all know the dangers of mobile phone use and driving, but not all distractions are equal. Here's how to minimise the risks.

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