Field Service Business > Safety

Going it alone

01 December, 2014 by Dannielle Furness

The cliché tells us there is safety in numbers, but for many solo workers, travelling in a pack simply isn't an option.

Product recall - Infinity brand TPS and low-voltage electrical cable

06 November, 2014

The ACCC has advised a product recall on INFINITY branded TPS & Orange Round Electrical Cables (Second Tranche). The recall applies to all INFINITY branded Infinity TPS (flat and flexible) and Orange Round low-voltage electrical cables of all sizes, configurations and models that are polymeric insulated and PVC sheathed/insulated.

Transport industry fatalities too high

31 October, 2014

Continuing a worrying trend, the transport industry has once again topped the nation's work-related fatality numbers. According to Safe Work Australia (SWA), 140 Australians have been killed at work this year (as at 21 October), 37 of those from the transport and storage group.

Call for tougher drug driving penalties

23 October, 2014

According to the NRMA, one in three drivers convicted of a first offence for drug driving are getting off scot-free.

Asleep at the wheel

03 October, 2014

According to the National Road Safety Partnership Program, a Central Queensland University study has uncovered a dangerous pattern in the driving habits of tired mine workers.

Preventive, proactive, real-time intervention

01 October, 2014

According to research from the Oil & Gas Producers Association, a massive 80 to 95% of vehicle accidents are caused by human error. In recent years over 30% of workplace fatalities in industries like oil and gas were transport related; and incidents relating to driver fatigue are reported as being on the increase.

Occupational safety in transport conference

05 September, 2014

The Centre for Accident Research and Road Safety - Queensland (CARRS-Q) at Queensland University of Technology (QUT) is once again hosting an international conference on Occupational Safety in Transport on the Gold Coast.

Research results prompt drug crackdown

28 August, 2014

The New South Wales Government has announced a clampdown on illicit drug use in light of research results showing 11% of road fatalities involve a person under the influence.

Driver training promotes safety

18 August, 2014

Driver training is an invaluable addition to any fleet manager's repetoire of management tools. An effective program can not only lessen incidences of personal injury and asset damage, it also provides a valuable avenue for road rule re-education and current driving practice assessment.

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