Test and measurement > Power meters

Analyser for renewable energy systems

03 February, 2009

The WT500 power analyser addresses renewable energy systems with the capability of simultaneously measuring DC and AC signals and calculating system efficiency. Separate integrate functions are also included to enable evaluation of charge/discharge and bought/sold power in photovoltaic systems.

Clamp-on AC logger

03 February, 2009

The Simple Logger II Model CL601 is a battery-powered, 1-channel recording device with an alkaline battery pack. Line tracking is performed such that 64 samples over one line cycle are taken. Harmonic measurements are calculated from these 64 samples. Frequency tracking is performed over the range of ±2 Hz around the nominal line frequency (50 or 60 Hz).

Voltech PM 1000+ precision power analyser

03 February, 2009

The Voltech PM 1000+ precision power analyser is suitable for single-phase power and energy measurement of power circuits, industrial and domestic appliances, linear and switchmode power supplies and can also be used to measure inrush parameters under zero-crossing or peak values (using Voltech PS 1000 Inrush Switch).

Web forum for commercial and industrial facilities to achieve energy savings

16 January, 2009

A new web forum for electrical and facilities management professionals has been established to assist in developing and deploying energy-effeciency strategies.

Measurement current transformers

01 January, 2009

WF Energy ControlsThe Series 27 range of measurement current transformers is available in six window sizes with hole diameters from 32 to 112 mm and ratings from 20 to 3000 A to suit a range of applications from panel metering to energy management input.

PowerLogic PM800 series power meters

03 December, 2008

The PowerLogic PM800 series of power meters is designed to reduce energy costs by helping users understand where and how energy is used, extend equipment life, improve power system reliability and reduce downtime by monitoring, troubleshooting and preventing power quality issues.

Universal voltage sensors

01 December, 2008

The Banner Engineering World-Beam QS18 universal voltage sensors are designed to replace sensors in factories using either AC or DC power in applications such as materials handling and conveyor control.

Precision current shunt set

01 November, 2008

The A40B precision current shunt set is a range of precision devices designed to make precision current measurements. The set comprises 14 low-inductance coaxial current shunts, adapters, connectors and a rugged transit/storage case.

Automated testing software

01 November, 2008

The PowerDB acceptance and maintenance test data management software packages are compatible with a range of Megger and other brands of power test instruments, and can be used to generate reports for tests of many different types.

Primary test set for CTs, VTs and power transformers

27 October, 2008

The Omicron CPC 100 primary test set is a compact, lightweight instrument capable of testing a wide range of substation equipment, automatically creating customised reports.

Kyoritsu 6310 power analyser

27 October, 2008

Eaton has released the Kyoritsu 6310 power analyser. The 6310 is compact, featuring easy-to-use software with built-in charting and analysis functions.

Power monitoring instrument

24 September, 2008

The 3-phase PowerGuide 4400 advanced power monitoring instrument incorporates a colour touch screen into its lightweight design and is equipped with eight independent channels.

Advanced protection relay test system

27 August, 2008

An advanced four-phase dynamic automatic protection relay test system, the Omicron CMC range is a universal system suitable for testing old and new generation relays, energy meters and transducers.

Power quantity analyser

01 July, 2008

The PowerPad Jr model 8230 is a shock-resistant single-phase power quality analyser that measures and carries out diagnostic work and power quality work on single-phase systems or three-phase balanced low-voltage networks.

Power meters

01 July, 2008

The PowerLogic PM800 series of power meters is designed to reduce energy costs by helping users understand where and how energy is used, extend equipment life, improve power system reliability and reduce downtime by monitoring, troubleshooting and preventing power quality issues.

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