White Papers/Resources

The ECD (Electrical+Comms+Data) Resource Library contains white papers, eBooks, webcasts, videos and technical papers to help you manage and solve work related problems. Select from a variety of application and technology related subjects, supplied by market-leading vendors or written by our editorial team.

A key benchmark test for the best rugged device

Supplied by Panasonic Australia Pty Limited on 11 November, 2016

Independent market research company Opinion Matters invited eight mobile workers who use mobile tablet scanning devices as part of their daily working activities (ie, delivery drivers, warehouse workers, retail logistics workers) to benchmark three different handheld tablets.

The top strategies delivering customer value in 2016

Supplied by ClickSoftware Australia Pty Ltd on 14 October, 2016

Customer satisfaction is a moving target. To secure those crucial business referrals your organisation now needs to go above and beyond to ‘wow’ those you serve.

How to take full advantage of your field service calls

Supplied by Zebra Technologies on 13 September, 2016

Deploying the right mobile field service solution can decrease your costs, increase revenue, enhance cross-selling opportunities and improve overall customer satisfaction.

What field technology will deliver the best ROI in 2020?

Supplied by Zebra Technologies on 30 August, 2016

Zebra’s 2015 field operations vision study found that 70% of field personnel expect budget increases for mobility over the next five years. 60% of respondents have undergone a mobile operations process re-engineering effort within the past year. 41% of respondents believe wearable technology will offer the best ROI by 2020.

14 best practices for building video surveillance networks

Supplied by Allied Telesis International (Aust) Pty Ltd on 12 August, 2016

To maximise your system capabilities and avoid potential pitfalls, you need an understanding of the best practices in configuring Ethernet network infrastructure within a video surveillance system.

How to avoid DC resistance unbalance in your PoE systems

Supplied by Fluke Networks on 27 July, 2016

Resistance unbalance in structured cabling links has now become a critical parameter to measure, largely due to the proliferation of PoE powered devices. Resistance unbalance testing is now vital when deploying PoE on your network to optimise your system.

Digital transformation can reduce field service response times by 80–90%

Supplied by IFS Australia on 27 July, 2016

Forward-thinking businesses are adopting IoT strategies to reduce service response times by 80–90%. Read how you can improve margins and customer satisfaction by capturing real-time data with enterprise field software.

Genuinely rugged or pretender — how do your field service devices rate?

Supplied by Panasonic Australia Pty Limited on 19 July, 2016

Eight out of ten field service devices will be exposed to stressors including drops and shocks, rain and weather, heat and cold, dust and vibration. 70% of tablets that fail in the field fail in a protective case — not all devices advertised are all they are cracked up to be.

8 key things to look for in a field service mobile application

Supplied by Retriever Communications on 19 July, 2016

Access UTS (of Sydney UTS University) recently conducted a study observing a group of technicians using mobile apps in the field. This white paper is primarily based on the study’s results — imparting valuable insight on how to evaluate any field service mobile app for your field force.

How small cell systems deliver on big wireless traffic demands

Supplied by Vicor Corporation on 07 July, 2016

With wireless network traffic growth booming, carriers are increasingly dependent on small cells to deliver on increased demand. They improve network capacity, geographic coverage and spectrum efficiency, and allow mobile equipment to communicate at lower RF power levels (extending user per-charge operating time).

How to expose the hidden truths within your organisation

Supplied by The Service Manager on 04 July, 2016

The ability to accurately measure business performance in a timely manner can make the difference between a good business and a great one. There are many reports that you can utilise as tools in your business for better and more informed decision-making.

Genuinely rugged or pretender — how do your field service devices rate?

Supplied by Field Service Business on 01 July, 2016

Eight out of ten field service devices will be exposed to stressors including drops and shocks, rain and weather, heat and cold, dust and vibration. 70% of tablets that fail in the field fail in a protective case — not all devices advertised are all they are cracked up to be.

How too much information can drown your business

Supplied by The Service Manager on 21 June, 2016

A critical problem facing field service businesses running paper-based systems is data duplication. As information flows along the job-processing chain, incompatible processes require information to be re-entered once, twice, even four or five times. These are unnecessary admin hours and business costs.

Proven strategies that optimise small server rooms

Supplied by Schneider Electric IT Business on 02 June, 2016

Data rooms of small businesses are usually unorganised, unsecure, hot, unmonitored and space constrained — often resulting in avoidable downtime and inconvenience. If employing the right management strategies, however, this needn't be so.

Optimise your field service performance with systemisation

Supplied by The Service Manager on 25 May, 2016

Customer complaints constantly stem from businesses providing incorrect information: site details are incorrect, billing information is incorrect, invoice total is wrong, warranty material is askew. The reality is, most businesses can't efficiently manage the influx of information — so corners are cut.

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