White Papers/Resources

The ECD (Electrical+Comms+Data) Resource Library contains white papers, eBooks, webcasts, videos and technical papers to help you manage and solve work related problems. Select from a variety of application and technology related subjects, supplied by market-leading vendors or written by our editorial team.

The essential guide to prefabricated DC deployment

Supplied by Schneider Electric IT Business on 05 November, 2015

The deployment process of a prefabricated data centre differs greatly from a traditional data centre. From designing the data centre, to preparing the site, to procuring the equipment, to installation, you can expect a change in the nature of planning and a dramatically compressed schedule.

What will customer service look like in 20 years?

Supplied by ClickSoftware Australia Pty Ltd on 05 November, 2015

By 2035, the present day reactionary 'above and beyond' customer service will be no more. Instead, customer service will pro-actively exist within the product. Companies will have to use a collection of the advancing technologies, all flowing through the Internet of Things, to provide a predictive customer service experience.

Turn field service into a profit magnet

Supplied by Zebra Technologies on 30 October, 2015

As the opportunities for field workers to help a business surge, companies are progressively treating their service groups as profit centres. For service technicians to take on this role and generate revenue the support of a reliable mobile field service solution is a necessity.

Safeguard your fleet from the probable penalties

Supplied by XL Service Bodies Pty Ltd on 12 October, 2015

Breaking the law when driving a loaded work ute or trailer is not difficult. The difficulty is determining the rules and regulations around load restraint for vehicles under 4.5 t GVM. They are confusing at best.

ERP in field service — 5 myths and 5 truths

Supplied by ProQuest Consulting on 30 September, 2015

Where once enterprise resource planning (ERP) reigned, businesses now have an abundance of field service management technology options with which to manage their organisation. ERP plays its part, but businesses often have misconceptions about what that part should be.

Fleet management and the gamification revolution

Supplied by Telogis on 22 September, 2015

The use of game mechanics in business applications is a growing trend. Research has revealed that it has led to significant improvements in critical business KPIs. As a fleet owner, gamification presents a fresh opportunity to optimise your business.

Safeguarding your business in the digital age

Supplied by Professional Advantage Pty Ltd on 18 September, 2015

Data security is one of the key risk factors facing field organisations today. What are the risks? How do we protect ourselves? What can we do to address these challenges before something happens?

Reduce the cost risk of work-related injury

Supplied by Fleetmatics on 10 September, 2015

If work safety is not a current priority for your business, it should be. Work Safe Australia recorded two work-related deaths per 100,000 workers in a recent financial year. Work-related injury and illness was estimated to cost $60.6 billion in another financial year, 4.8% of the Australian GDP.

Streamline your SMB fleet – better your bottom line

Supplied by Navman Wireless Australia on 02 September, 2015

Although business confidence is on the rise Australian SMBs are still doing it tough. The number of companies declared bankrupt in May 2015 was the highest since October 2013. To make the cut efficiency is still the order of the day.

IoT, connectivity and the new look electrical industry — an eBook

Supplied by Westwick-Farrow Pty Ltd on 02 September, 2015

Smart cities and smart grids facilitate two-way energy and information flow allowing building owners, operators and users to reduce their electricity bills and greenhouse gas emissions, and improve energy management.

5 critical field service metrics to know

Supplied by ServiceMax on 01 September, 2015

Field service leaders have an abundance of statistics to possibly track. Which metrics would have the greatest impact on your field service organisation?

Meter technology and the residential market boom — an eBook

Supplied by Westwick-Farrow Pty Ltd on 24 August, 2015

The Australian electrical services industry has weathered a constant state of change in recent years. Challenging economic conditions, amendments to legislation and licensing, and the emergence of new technologies that require specialist skills and training have significantly shifted the landscape.

Manage lunch breaks to maintain peak efficiency

Supplied by ClickSoftware Australia Pty Ltd on 18 August, 2015

The field worker lunch break is not only shrinking, in some cases it has disappeared altogether. While a reduced lunch break provides more time for work to be done, it can also lead to loss of productivity, irritability, stress and even health problems.

Paperless automation a proven success

Supplied by Professional Advantage Pty Ltd on 12 August, 2015

Going paperless isn’t so much about eliminating paper — it’s about streamlining operations by eliminating tedious and labour-intensive tasks. Too many field service organisations suffocate in paperwork and employ error-prone manual processes. As a result, their operational efficiency is far from optimal.

Optimise field worker efficiency with mobile solutions

Supplied by Professional Advantage on 07 August, 2015

Mobile technology is now an essential component of every successful field service organisation. Mobile-based solutions provide the opportunity to improve the scheduling, dispatching, routing and communication, amongst many other aspects of field work. With new opportunity comes new challenges, however, primarily in the ways of implementation, IT management and security.

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