White Papers/Resources

The ECD (Electrical+Comms+Data) Resource Library contains white papers, eBooks, webcasts, videos and technical papers to help you manage and solve work related problems. Select from a variety of application and technology related subjects, supplied by market-leading vendors or written by our editorial team.

Top tips to avoid power quality disturbances

Supplied by Schneider Electric IT Business on 17 April, 2014

This paper reviews the most common types of power disturbances, what causes them and how to protect your critical equipment using IEEE standards. Download now to read more.


New-generation signage displays with LCD panel resizing technology

Supplied by on 07 March, 2014

Being so ubiquitous, it is clear to see that digital signage has today developed into a popular, highly adaptable and effective medium for targeted innovation, entertainment, promotions and advertising, delivering rich multimedia formats designed to attract consumers. Download now to read more.

PPC-615A/6170A - a simple solution for machine vision

Supplied by on 04 March, 2014

This white paper illustrates how design can conquer various problems faced in manufacturing automation.

The future of energy efficient design in existing commercial buildings

24 February, 2014

Concerns building owners and managers have towards the initial sustainability investment should be negated by issues around reliability, increased market value and the demand for corporate renters/tenants.

This paper provides a brief overview of retrofitting sustainability in existing commercial buildings and how to ensure design returns maximum efficiencies and return on investment.


Designing a metering system for small and medium-sized buildings

Supplied by on 24 February, 2014

With rising energy costs, environmental pressures and unreliable power supply, there is a need for sustainable design and energy efficiency in new and existing commercial properties. There are a number of ways existing building owners and facilities managers can adapt and benefit by installing an effective WAGES (water, air, gas, electricity, steam) metering system. The ultimate goal is for buildings to produce more energy than they consume.

Security and automation eBook

21 November, 2013

Technological advancements are dramatically changing the landscape of security and automation, creating multitude of opportunities and challenges. This eBook highlights current industry trends and tips that planners, contractors and installers need to watch for to make sure they are a step ahead.

Cat 8 cabling standards update

26 August, 2013

A task group has recently been approved to study the concept of adding ISO/IEC Class II limits to the draft Category 8 cabling standard. The group is expected to review existing Class II specifications and submit recommendations, allowing members of TR42.7 an opportunity to contribute towards the development of Class II cabling specifications.

The new standard will impact on the interoperability and portability of cabling, LAN and SAN equipment in data centres. Download this paper to learn more.

Top tips for selecting isolating spark gaps for hazardous areas

16 August, 2013

Surges caused by a lightning strike, into exposed parts of a pipeline system, may lead to the dielectric strength of insulating joints being exceeded. As a result, hazardous sparking may occur or the insulation material may be damaged. Isolating spark gaps (ISG) and connection cables protect the insulating piece (insulation) against lightning-induced surges, and discharge the lightning energy without uncontrolled arcing in an explosive environment. The AfK recommendation No. 5 (1986 edition) was amended in accordance with the latest lightning current parameters according to IEC 62305. The new version now includes notes on the selection and inspection of isolating spark gaps including their connection elements. Download this white paper for recommendations on selecting isolating spark gaps for use in hazardous explosive environments for protection of insulating pipe joints.

General instructions on lightning safety for shelters

16 August, 2013

Severe lightning injuries and fatalities are reported each year from all over the world, especially on golf courses, so shelters are vital to protect from the effects of lightning. The following paper outlines instructions on lightning safety for shelters.

Virtualised data centres and 40/100 GbE

07 August, 2013

Virtual environments offer businesses some very tangible ROI, but getting the infrastructure right is a critical element. It's not just about selecting the right virtual data centre or campus network solution or service provider.

Effective planning for and implementation of 40/100 Gigabit Ethernet (GbE) can allow companies to remove potential roadblocks and fully realise the benefits of a virtualised environment.

The evolution of return on security investment (ROSI)

03 April, 2013

The GFC of 2008 had a serious impact on the security industry. Although the advanced technology that was non-existent at the turn of the century had now become plentiful for purchasers, the fragile state of world financial markets made corporate leaders hesitant to invest.

Data centre monitoring and management eBook

13 February, 2013

Whether it's the server under the stairs or the world's largest, the data centre is the hub of any business. In many cases, it is the business itself. Increasingly, data centre security, power consumption and environmental monitoring are considerations on the radar for administrators. This eBook looks at the remote monitoring and management of data centres.

Power quality eBook

07 August, 2012

With equipment and energy costs rising, it's hard to stress enough the importance of power quality. Power quality issues can hamper production processes, damage costly equipment and lower productivity. This eBook features articles on power quality challenges, managing and reporting problems, improving efficiencies and reducing costs. Download now.

The seven types of power problems

25 August, 2011

Many of the mysteries of equipment failure, downtime, software and data corruption are often the result of a problematic supply of power. This white paper will describe the most common types of power disturbances, what can cause them, what they can do to your critical equipment and how to safeguard your equipment, using the IEEE standards for describing power quality problems.

Electrical services in building fires

02 November, 2010

With increasing attention to risk management and environmental sustainability, there has been a growing interest in materials used in modern construction practice. This paper discusses aspects of electrical services in the built environment: particularly, fire safety and environmental impact of electrical cabling and cable support systems.

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